Welcome to 2JAB.com...our family web site on the World Wide Web!

Wondering where 2JAB comes from?

It is our family’s first names....2 J’s for
Julia and Jim,....A for Arlene,....and B for Bonnie.

We are a family constantly on the move,……from Bonnie and Julia’s daily
adventures, to Arlene’s busy days home schooling, keeping up a home,
and squeezing in some time for herself to make really neat keep
sake scrapbooks, to my development of a new home based family
business, 2JAB Productions, and work of course, we ALL stay pretty
busy!  Keep up to date with all of our family’s news and happenings
by clicking on the 2JAB Family News button above and to the left. 
I’ll update at least every month,…..so check back often.

Recently, I changed our site's hosting company and email server
because of the unbeleivable volume and content of "junk" and "spam"
emails we were getting.  Our new email host employs SPAM
ASSASSIN as well as BOX TRAPPER which has virtually
eliminated ALL junk mail from hitting our email in-boxes.

The very next time you send us email, you will get a bounce back
email from our mail server. All you need to do is hit REPLY. You
will only have to do this once. Then your future emails will go thru
without a delay or hitch. Sorry for the extra step.

Enjoy our site, and....Happy Surfin!